That's right. There's a huge incentive for this year's SRP.
I'm excited to host the first raffle of the summer on Saturday, June 13th at noon. This raffle is one of four that is a teaser of sorts for the kiddos. Three kids in each age group (0-5, 6-12, 13-19) will have a chance to pick a prize bag with goodies inside. "What kinds of goodies?" you ask. Books, games, and video games!! Oh, yeah, that's right, video games. The teens asked for it so I supplied it.
The raffle begins at noonish on Saturday. I say noonish because there has been some confusion as to when the "official check-in" happens. Easiest answer, once a child has reached 280 minutes, he or she is eligible for a coupon to Micky D's, a voucher for the Indiana Fevers Women's B-Ball, and a raffle ticket. The more you read, the more raffle tickets you can earn; however, subsequent check-ins will not allow for more coupons and vouchers. Essentially, after the 280 minute mark, every 20 minute interval equals one raffle ticket. I've also found a list of ALA/ALSC approved books as bonus books.
Check-in so far have been sporadic, which is fine. Until today, that is when we ran out of tickets! Oh, no! Last I checked there were 100 tickets. Since few kids had been checking in until this point, and when they did they only earned 12 extra tickets, I thought we'd be in the clear. Well, little did I know that some kids love reading (okay, I knew that, but boy do they read!). One patron had 47 (or so) tickets! Can you say the game is on? Fortunately, I picked up a roll of tickets (2000) and dropped them off at work. I have a feeling that many people will wait until raffle day to
check-in. Thankfully, I'm now restocked and I hope to be fully staffed and volunteer'd for
this event.
The oatmeal containers that I duct taped to look super jazzy (okay, the kids helped) are nearly full. My team and I will have to do some super shaking to make it fair. I plan to have kids help pull tickets for me (especially since I've lost my voice). There will also be light refreshments for patrons before the raffle. I'm hoping to make this a big thing since it's our first summer in our new space. Go big or go home, right?!
Send good vibes our way. We're going to need them. And, light refreshments with a little silly soda might be helpful.